As a prominent language translation company who has the tools, resources and experience to successfully serve our clients, we need to understand each, unique aspect of our services.
When it comes to our translation and transcription services, we have many clients who don’t understand the purpose, or need, of either.
While translation and transcription services have various similarities, they also have differences.
Language Concepts is dedicated to simplifying and defining the processes for our clients, so that they understand exactly what we do to give them the results that they need for themselves, and their business.

Translation vs Transcription Language
Until we get into the details, let’s define both processes so that you understand exactly what assistance you may need from us.
Translation: When the experts at Language Concepts perform a translation, they are transforming the written content for one language, into another.
The content can be an English to Spanish translation, a Spanish to English translation, or any other languages that we serve.
The content can also be in a digital or tangible form, meaning that we can translate a web page for our clients, or a health form which they received from the doctor’s office.
It just depends on what language translation form you need from one tongue to the other.
Transcription: Transcribing is designed to convert a digital audio file into written content for one language.
The native-speaking transcriptionists at Language Concepts directly listen to the audio recording from our clients in order to write the content that is spoken, word for word.
Language Concepts also gives our clients the opportunity to have their transcriptions translated or summarized into a different language.
First, the audio file would be transcribed/written in the native language, and afterwards, the written content would be handed over to the linguist with the most expertise in the subject.
Most audio formats are accepted by us, including CDs and digital files.
We have the power to transcribe:
Business meetings
Conference calls
Focus groups
Panel discussions
Phone calls
& Much more!
Transcribe vs Translate
While many businesses and individuals may need one translation process over the other, others may need both.
Here are some general and fun facts of transcribing vs translating:
The sources of a language in transcription could be in sign language or verbal speech. When translating, the sources of a language are typically written.
In the legal industry, transcriptions are used for the written records in court hearings.
In the medical industry, a physician’s recorded notes can be transcribed and used as a written copy of the patient’s medical records.
In advertising, transcriptions are used in campaigns for foreign markets so that the promotional message stays consistent to everyone everywhere.
While transcriptions might take longer to develop, they are widely used in various industries.
A transcriber only needs to understand one language when performing the transcription, whereas a translator needs to understand at least two.
Since a transcriber only needs to understand one language, their proficiency in that language should be perfect.
Transcriptions are translated from one format to another, (record to written) whereas translations can be performed in the same format (digital to digital, written to written, verbal to verbal).
Translators have to have excellent writing skills in order to successfully deliver the intended message of the content.
Translations are essential in facilitating better communication among businesses who speak different languages.
Translations can be literary or non-literary. Literary translations involve poems, stories, books whereas non-literary translations consist of legal, medical, scientific or technical documents.
Translators must be native experts in the language that they are targeting to translate to. Cultural aspects, nuances, grammatical differences, slang and other expressions should also be understood by a translator when translating certain documents.
Difference Between Translation and Transcription Language
To summarize, translation communicates the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.
Transcriptions coverts an audio file into a written form.
Whatever your language translation processes you may need from us, Language Concepts guarantees that we will do it as professionally and accurately as we can.
We strive to assist our clients with all of their language translation needs and if there’s a topic that you’d like more information on, contact us on our website or at 480.626.2926!